At 13 weeks 2 days we elected to get a First Trimester screening, also know as NT test. This test is a combination blood test and ultrasound that can alert the doctors to genetic abnormalities, such as down syndrome and other more severe Trisomies. This is an elective test offered to all pregnant couples. Nate and I decided that we would have the test, even though at my age, 27, my risk for carrying a baby with DS was only 1 in 840. When I was called with the results I was informed that the ultrasound tech was unable to find the fetal nasal bone, an indicator of DS. Thus baby's screened positive for down syndrome, making the chances 1 in 300 that Bee had DS. This finding put us in the "at risk" category for the abnormality. Now this screening only gives you the possible risk ratio, it's not anything definitive. So with that we were offered further testing, ei an amniocentesis, which we decided to proceed with. However the amnio has to be done between 16 and 18 weeks gestation. So we waited 3 weeks....
Today was the day we had scheduled the amnio. For those that don't know this proceedure involves putting a needle through the abdominal wall, uterus (womb) and into the amniotic fluid. Doing this can cause the baby to be miscarried, so this was NOT an easy decision to make. Before the needle is inserted they do a very detailed ultrasound to look for other abnormalities, check fluid levels, and the position of the baby. Bee did great during the ultrasound... showing off the four chambers of it's heart, wiggling around, and measuring perfectly! -This picture is kind of weird, but imagine looking at baby from an ariel view, head is the round part to the left, right arm across it's body...-
So after the tech and student took an hour long look at Baby Bee they sent the high risk doctor in with the report. He had reviewed the first ultrasound (from 13 weeks) and the images from today (however we were unable to get a shot of the nasal bone) and determined that the tech that did the NT screen had pressed an incorrect button!!! That in fact she had seen the nasal bone, but the button she accidentally pressed indicated NO nasal bone! He said that he'd be back shortly with a new calculated risk, which turns out to be 1 in 10,000!!! The DR offered to still do the amnio, which we promptly declined, haha. My goodness how much stress a little mistake can make. He offered a follow up ultrasound just to double check all the features when baby is a little bigger, so we will be doing that on September 22nd. -Baby sending a message to you all.-
So that's that.. Baby Bee is looking perfect and HE has a very low risk for serious abnormalities!!! :)
So happy everything is OK!!! And Ari will have a little brother!!!!